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What Day of the Week is it???

Posted: May 27th, 2012, 5:29 pm
by mrsl
Things get so confusing between birthday tributes and STOTM, it's hard to know where to look for certain movies you haven't seen yet. There are so few that I've missed over all these yea rs of watching, that when scanning the monthly schedule, I often miss the one or two word titles that I'm looking for. Then the day changes all the time. Sometimes it's Tuesday, sometimes Tuesday and Thursday, and then again sometimes its Wednesday. Do I have something screwed up in my head or is there some pattern to this mess?

Re: What Day of the Week is it???

Posted: May 27th, 2012, 6:09 pm
by moira finnie
Anne, I'm not positive what you are referring to, but just to let you know, the SoTM for May, Joel McCrea, has films airing on Wednesday nights (and often going overnight into Thursday).

In June:

There is a TCM SPOTLIGHT: THE IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCE that is airing on Wednesday nights.

Next month features a celebration called STAR OF THE MONTH: TEEN IDOLS, that is being broadcast on Thursday nights.

I hope this helps. You can see more about this on the TCM site under Schedules, found here:

Re: What Day of the Week is it???

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 7:24 pm
by mrsl

I don't think you realize you actually answered my questions in a round-a-bout way. This month is has been Joel McCrea on Wednesday night, going into Thursday a.m. (in fact I already have two movies set up for DVR'ing), however, in June the grouping of stars will be on Thursday night, and again, back during Mitchum's month, his movies were on both Tuesday, and Thursday nights. So, you see, I have to click into TCM in order to see the schedule, and know for sure, what night the SoTm will be featured. Just curious why they don't leave things to one or two scheduled nights.

Re: What Day of the Week is it???

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 7:59 pm
by Lzcutter

I think it's for multiple reasons.

One, depending on how many films they are able to get for a SOTM probably plays a big part of the equation. TCM was able to get enough of McCrea's films to fill out five nights and, on some nights, almost/over twelve hours of programming. Depending on the SOTM, they may not have had such a long career or TCM may not be able to get enough films to twelve hours, one night a week. On the flip side, some of those chosen as SOTM in the early years, got two nights a week. So, I think the number of films made and the number of films that TCM can get for a month's worth of SOTM is a big consideration.

Secondly, I think the other reason it's not on the same day of the week each month is because of the other themes in any given month, how many films they are able to show (example- the True Crime theme this month was twice a week).

Plus, there are smaller themes each month, along with regular themes like Silent Sundays (which precludes a SOTM being on a Sunday unless they were a silent star), TCM Underground, TCM Imports, etc.

I think those factors may be some of the reasons that the programming staff switches it up each month, SOTM-wise.