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July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 10th, 2012, 5:39 pm
by norfious
This is a little late, but I would like to comment on the TCM "Star of the Month" program from July, as it really helped me better appreciate the life and career of Mr. Leslie Howard.

Previous to July 2012, the only Leslie Howard movies I had seen were "The Petrified Forest" and "The Scarlet Pimpernel," the latter of which I had only seen once when I was probably about 12, and hence didn't remember it quite well. "The Petrified Forest" is one of my all-time favorite films; however, I had never really liked Leslie Howard in it. His character had always seemed whiny and over-dramatic to me, and I was somehow under the impression that he played that same type of character in everything (This was most likely due to the influence of my mother, who does not care for Leslie Howard much.)

Due to this influence, I was a bit wary of having Leslie Howard movies playing every Thursday in July; however, much to my joy and enlightenment, TCM showed a variety of films that showed the actor in many different lights. More importantly, it showed him as a man of many hats. Sure, he was cast in many "tragic lover" and "squeaky clean" dramatic roles, but he was also brilliant in comedies.

I'd never considered Mr. Howard as a comedian, but I think I enjoy his comedies most. In particular, It's Love I'm After was one of my favorites, showing a different side (for me) of his roles. Not only was this a comedy role, but his character was also quite mean-spirited and downright jerky at times. Rather the opposite of what I had thought of his roles! I am currently reading his biography "Trivial Fond Records," from which I learned that Leslie Howard actually tried to create his own comedy film studio in England to create more "witty" comedies than the slapstick that had reigned on the screen at the time. He had produced several short films, but unfortunately they did not make enough money to keep the studio afloat. Quite a shame!

While I didn't care for the film as much, Pygmalion showed Howard in a role very different from what I expected. While he did play a professor (a typical role for him, it seems), the character was completely opposite of the sparkly-eyed lover that I thought he always played. Seeing him pull of such a mean-spirited person what quite interesting, indeed!

Anyway, I shan't ramble on any more in this post. In short, TCM's Star of the Month special completely reversed my opinions of this fine actor. I am so glad that TCM does such tributes to actors, so viewers can appreciate all their films and achievements, instead of relying on preconceived notions based on a single performance. Perhaps this enlightenment has just been a case of originally letting others influence me, and relying on said preconceived notions to the point of closed-mindedness, but still....I am glad TCM helped me get through that and form my own opinion! :)

Did anyone else have any comments about this particular program? Have any other "Star of the Month" specials enlightened you or reversed your thinking?

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 10th, 2012, 5:56 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Thanks, norfious, for those salient comments about Leslie Howard, and welcome to the SSO! The Star of the Month feature is one of my favorite aspects of TCM, as well as Summer Under The Stars.

I am so glad that TCM helped me discover the joy of Precodes in 2002, in conjunction with the publication of Mick LaSalle's book, Complicated Women.

And kingrat, I happy you were able to appreciate Ava more.

July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 10th, 2012, 6:05 pm
by JackFavell
Norfious, I am a big Leslie Howard fan, I happen to like most of his dreamer types, the tragic thoughtful lovers. But the movie that completely blew me away years ago was Pygmalion. It still remains in my top five movies of all time, maybe because he was so different in it. Then seeing Stand In and It's Love I'm After cemented my fandom. I agree that his comedies are maybe greater than his dramatic turns, and I was really happy they picked him to be SOTM. I got to see the comedies I hadn't seen in years, and a few films I hadn't ever seen before. I'm so glad you discovered him last month!

As for other SOTM actors and actresses, the one who most rose in my estimation after watching her movies for a month was Kay Francis. Now I see why she was a star, and how good she really was.

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 10th, 2012, 6:07 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Jackie, I really enjoyed Kay Francis' SOTM films. I watched as many as I could manage!

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 10th, 2012, 6:27 pm
by JackFavell
Me too, Suex2! I was shocked, because I thought I knew her work and her style. It turned out I didn't know anything at all about her.

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 11th, 2012, 10:07 am
by norfious
JackFavell, it is funny how alike we are in our tastes! :)

Ah yes, Kay Francis is wonderful. I was introduced to her via the film "Trouble in Paradise" that was shown on TCM a few years ago. I really wanted to watch and/or record her Summer Under the Stars day, but I was not home to do so. (I did actually take the day off of work for Myrna Loy day and Warren William day on Summer Under the Stars, but I was pushing my luck taking yet another day in August off. ;) )
kingrat wrote: Sometimes it's fun to see how an actor was miscast before becoming a star, like Humphrey Bogart as a Mexican bandit in Virginia City.
Oh, really? I have the "Humphrey Bogart: The Essential Collection" set, and Virginia City is the only film in it I have not yet watched. I'll have to do so to see this early role.

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 17th, 2012, 5:46 pm
by norfious
Sorry for the double post.

Getting back on the subject of Leslie Howard, I discovered today that a documentary has been made about him recently, which includes a lot of home movies that were thought to have been lost. Here is a news clip from the premiere:


Here is the film's web site, where there are a few clips and articles to view:

Quite interesting stuff! It's wonderful that those film reels were recovered.

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 17th, 2012, 6:36 pm
by moira finnie
We have had some discussion about this interesting documentary before, Norfious. You can see it at the link below. The film was scheduled at one time for TCM, but some loose ends need to be straightened out. I have corresponded with the filmmaker Tom Hamilton about his efforts and it is hoped that someday soon it will be available widely in the U.S.

I am always surprised and delighted to discover that other people like Leslie Howard! ... =22&t=4563

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 17th, 2012, 7:04 pm
by JackFavell
If I lived in Surrey, I'd make a pilgrimage to that gorgeous house!

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 17th, 2012, 11:34 pm
by norfious
Oh! Thanks for the link, moriafinnie! Sorry I didn't see that topic before posting.
I would be thrilled if this film was eventually shown on TCM!

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 18th, 2012, 12:25 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I'm up and down with Leslie Howard, I find he's either good, Pygmalion, Of Human Bondage or the material isn't worthy of him, he played quite a few washed out types albeit earlier in his Hollywood career. He was a man of courage and principle and had we not lost him I'm pretty sure he'd have made a good director.

Re: July Star of the Month: Leslie Howard

Posted: September 18th, 2012, 1:56 pm
by moira finnie
norfious wrote:Oh! Thanks for the link, moriafinnie! Sorry I didn't see that topic before posting.
I would be thrilled if this film was eventually shown on TCM!
It's not problem about posting something new that was also discussed earlier, norfious. We all find ourselves beginning threads that have been touched on before, but it is not a problem to do so. I just wanted to let you know about other comments about the Howard movie from the past on our boards. I sure wish this documentary were available to be shown here in the US, too.

Sometimes, an admin here will merge topics together to help unite threads, but it is not a problem to create another. I usually use Google to search for topics that I might have seen previously on the Silver Screen Oasis using the site name and a topic in the search. (Our search feature on this site is not always satisfactory, though we hope to correct that in the future).

CCfan, I agree that Howard might have been a good director, based on Pygmalion and Pimpernel Smith. I try to look at his acting in the context of his era. Some of it now seems fairly precious. For me at least, his strengths were in comedy (It's Love I'm After, Stand-In and Pygmalion), adventures (British Agent, Captured!) and romance with a hint of timeliness, (The Petrified Forest, Intermezzo, Smilin' Through, Berkeley Square, Outward Bound). I think that the actor was right about his mixed feelings about doing films such as Secrets, Romeo and Juliet, and GWTW (though who else would be the ideal Ashley?).