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Posted: March 2nd, 2013, 11:14 pm
by mrsl

After searching, I didn't find a dedicated thread for Dodge City, so I made one. After seeing this for the umpteenth time tonight, there isn't a whole lot to say that hasn't already been said. We've talked about Flynn's good or bad acting, good or bad cowboy style, the obvious chemistry between he and Olivia, the beautiful color of the film, and I could go on and on. Knowing all of that, I still look for something different, and, as with all of these fine classic movies whether they be western, or contemporary, something always comes to mind as another minor attraction. This time, I got a kick out of the newspaper headlines. I'm not talking about the main header, but the ones heading each column. Considering a column is only 2 or 3 inches wide, something that reads "New Sheriff bans the carrying of guns on the streets of Dodge starting at Front street, and through town". The whole article is told in that one headline for pete's sake. But that was a cool trick in a lot of movies - the use of newspaper headlines to explain events in the story line, instead of acting it out, thus saving the budget I presume. Then again, because of the glory of the two main stars, I was able to appreciate the characterization of Frank McHugh as the newspaper editor. I could listen to him all day, as long as what he said commands that silly laugh of his. I'm just sorry RO's and my gal Ann Sheridan didn't have a bigger part.


Posted: March 3rd, 2013, 3:48 pm
by RedRiver
This is one of the CUTEST westerns I know of! Not as poetic as SHANE or as literary as STAGECOACH, it's light and colorful and just....CUTE! Curtiz' SANTA FE TRAIL is a better drama. Rauol Walsh's THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON has greater scope. But this "fun movie" delivers exacty that, with room to spare!


Posted: March 3rd, 2013, 6:40 pm
by Rita Hayworth
This is one of the colorful movies that Errol and Olivia done in their acting careers ... I just find this film very entertaining to watch.


Posted: March 4th, 2013, 8:57 am
by JackFavell
Very entertaining, and I love the color in this movie, not to mention Olivia and Errol. Lots of fun, like everyone says, it packs a lot of entertainment.

Lately I've been trying to read the articles under newspaper headlines in classic films I've been watching. Most of the time, they are bland and uninteresting, but once in a while they are very worthwhile, like in Orson Welles movies, or this one.

I absolutely love Frank McHugh. It's a treat when he turns up in a film. He can turn on a dime and deliver quite nice dramatic touches as well as comic ones.


Posted: March 18th, 2013, 8:21 am

I remember a doc/drama about Flynn where he comes back down to earth for half an hour. He talks to John Barrymore and on about the non-demanding film roles he was getting he says to his friend You get Romeo And Juliet and I get Dodge City. When I heard it my first thought was Dodge City was far more successful that Romeo And Juliet and was a classic western.

I like the idea that Olivia irrationally blamed Flynn for the death of her brother, but she had to take some of the responsiblity for the death of the young boy in her Sunday school class, as he was in her care when he was murdered. The scene where the boy is killed is very moving, persuading Flynn to become town sherif.

Anne Sheridan's Marching Through Georgia is IMO on a par with Greer Grasons' Bonnie Daisy from Random Harvest, as regards serious actresses putting over a song.

My fav Flynn/Dehavilland film, even over Robin Hood was They Died With Their Boots On. While the film was highly romaticised I felt Olivia might have been good as the widowed Libby, fighting rightly or wrongly to preserve her husband's good name.


Posted: March 18th, 2013, 8:57 am
by JackFavell
Dodge City and They Died With Their Boots On well they don't get much better. I agree about Ann Sheridan's song, she really puts it over.


Posted: March 18th, 2013, 2:53 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I haven't seen it in the longest time but it is a film I love.

Errol Flynn didn't do any bad acting, he certainly acted better in some films than others, I think he tried harder with some of the meatier roles that he had like the role of John Barrymore or Soames Forsyte but I think he was a very adept actor, well suited for a cowboy or Robin Hood, he was far better than he thought.


Posted: March 19th, 2013, 11:31 am
by RedRiver
I'm glad to see continuing discussion of this "popcorn western." Light, airy, not too serious. Not everything has to be so complex it gives you a headache. When I saw this film at ten or twelve years old, I assure you I didn't complain!


Posted: March 19th, 2013, 1:58 pm
by JackFavell
Exactly! I'm more and more appreciating the things I liked when I was a kid - simple direct story telling, with marvelous acting and brisk pacing. And Ann Sheridan.


Posted: March 19th, 2013, 3:08 pm
by charliechaplinfan
It is a film aimed at all audiences, there's nothing too deep there. I don't think Warner's wanted to take Flynn very far away from the boyhood hero type at this stage in his career.


Posted: March 20th, 2013, 5:20 pm
by RedRiver
The actor would soon enough move on to more serious adventures, such as the previously mentioned films by Walsh and Curtiz.


Posted: March 21st, 2013, 9:14 am
by charliechaplinfan
Yes, I think I prefer the maturer Flynn, his early films are fun but his later roles give him more nuances of character and when he played Barrymore he was terrific. Did he always have that kind of performance in him and was given lighter material or had he learnt much over the years? I'm not sure. I do think in his early years he was just having fun and not talking acting that seriously but something changed and that Flynn is the one I really like to watch.


Posted: March 21st, 2013, 10:01 am
by JackFavell
You can see a change in him along about the time of The Sea Hawk I think he turns darker, less cavalier. He's gives a splendid performance in Uncertain Glory, I really like him in that one, it's a little deeper than some, story wise, but he still gets to banter and tease. It's an odd film, but I think he's terrific in it. You are right by the time of the Barrymore portrayal he's excellent, it's the first really all-out serious film he did after all that time in pictures, except for maybe The Sun Also Rises, or That Forsyte Woman...though there were war pics, but they were more heroic, or stoic rather than dramatic roles.


Posted: March 21st, 2013, 1:42 pm

As I've mentioned before Flynn would have made a good Rhett Butler or Ashley Wilks. Some think he might have got the role of Rhett if Bette Davis, who allegedly wanted to play Scarlett, hadn't she said she didn't want to work with him. As for Ashley he was closer in age to the character compared to Leslie Howard.

I liked Flynn's hero in Edge Of Darkness, as he was restrained and knew his limitations

I also think if he'd looked after himself better then 4-years after he died, he still would have been young enough to play James Bond. I think he would have at least been considered


Posted: March 21st, 2013, 1:58 pm
by RedRiver
You can see a change in him along about the time of The Sea Hawk

My favorite Flynn movie, and our great adventure film. The rare movie that gets everything right. Want to know how to write a screenplay? Stage an action sequence? Breed excitement? Watch THE SEA HAWK!