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Chaplin and Landon a working comparison

Posted: March 11th, 2013, 1:39 pm
In a previous thread I called Michael Landon, the small screens anwser to Charlie Chaplin. I was watching a you tube tribute to Michael Landon in which it suggested that he worked himself, as well as doing charity work, into an early grave. Mind you I've also heard his smoking and drinking might have contributed to his cancer, yet he worked out like an athlete. However, the suggestion that he worked himself into an early grave also led me to compare him to Chaplin.

In the latter Bonanza's Michael was writing screenplays and directing many of the episodes. When he did Little House On The Prairie and Highway To Heaven, he added the name of producer to his impressive CV, not to mention his none acting series Father Murphy and Little House On The Prairie, A New Begining. Added to which he was an impressive phyiscal actor, doing many of his own stunts. So looking at it, his workload must have been immense.

The young Chaplin, as an actor, director and producer, like Landon worked his socks off, making making a considerable amount of films in a short space of time. However, in his early 30s after co-founding United Artists, he made the Gold Rush and over the next 28-years only made another 7 films, not to mention the 2 he made late on in his life. I think Chaplin always was a hard crafter, but with his ever increasing power, he seemed to learn the act of pacing himself and lived to a grand old age