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The Following

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 3:06 pm
by mrsl
Is anyone else watching this exceptional show on WFLD, following Bones on Monday nights? You don't see a whole lot of Kevin Bacon or his wife, the lovely Closer, Kyra Sedgewick, but when they DO choose a show, they sure know how to pick them ! ! ! I loved The Closer during it's run and sorry when it went off. And while Kyra was working steadily, Kevin did just a couple of movies now and then, usually for Clint Eastwood. Now, however, he has this freaky The Following. It's about a serial killer of 14 girls, who escapes, and because Kevin and the killer's wife got very, very, close during the search for him, he is making Kevin's life as miserable as possible, with the cult following he started while in prison. The cult members do all the dirty work while he stays in this mansion, housing all the members. BTW, he has also kidnapped his own son from his wife, and last week, she was finally kidnapped also. This is a quick synopsis which barely touches all the surprises, not to mention how the members are normal seeming people who go about their daily business, without stirring up any suspicions about themselves. That's how well planned their weekly hi-jinks are. The killer (Joe Carroll), is played by a guy named James Purefoy, who is great at being menacing and terrifying, as he charms his cult members or talks to his victims.

I've liked Kevin Bacon ever since he lost his mind dancing to Footloose (which I understand still embarrasses him today), and the next time I saw him was in Murder in the First as a prison inmate who had been in solitary for so long most prison officials forgot about him. But that's another story.

There are only three episodes left, but for a good, suspenseful weekend, you might want to consider renting this one season show. I've seen Bacon on a couple of different talk shows and I'm pretty sure this 15 episode series is all there will be, but what do I know?


Re: The Following

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 11:45 pm
by mrsl
I watched the third to last episode tonight and when I described the 'surprising' things that happen, I should have said shocking things. It was another action filled episode, but not terribly wild. The cult leader got pretty angry with a couple of his people, which always means a few fireworks but in all, it was fairly tame so . . . There I was lolling around in this serene sea of tranquility, smelling the roses, when suddenly KA- BOOM, suddenly I'm fighting for my breath fighting an undertow that had my head reeling. Here's this poor girl, begging for help, and I'm feeling all kinds of pity and sympathy, so Kevin and his partner decide to bring her back to the office for questioning when all of a sudden she explodes and attacks. I won't say more for those few who DVR it for viewing another time, but let me tell you. This is the first time in my life watching T.V. weekly shows, that I actually screeched and said loudly, O_ M_ G_ _!!!

Again, I have to suggest you check out this show either on On Demand or Netflix or whatever, or possibly it will be repeated soon as they repeat many of their shows on WFLD (Channel 12 in Chicago).

Re: The Following

Posted: May 2nd, 2013, 11:14 pm
by mrsl
I kind of feel like a Rita Hayworth fan going on and on about this show, but for those of you who did not take my advice and check it out, you really missed a terrific piece of television programming. Kind of the opposite of 24 Hours where Kiefer Sutherland solved crimes within a 24 hour time span, The Following was a continuing manhunt for (I think it was) nine weeks, which ended last night. Never in my entire 68 years have I been so totally shocked and surprised by an ending whether in a TV show, movie, or soap opera. I will wait a few weeks for anyone who DVR'd or taped it, before giving any facts. Just know that you will not believe the ending, any more than I did, and I've already seen it!!!