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Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:14 am
by moira finnie
How many times has a performer so delighted or intrigued you in a leading or supporting role that you would like to see 24 hours devoted to that performer during one of these August revels sponsored by TCM each summer? Here's a spot to name those who might be good candidates for the future. To get this kicked off, here's some that occurred to me recently (yeah, I know most of them are pretty obscure and a few may have been done in the past, though I probably missed it). Who would you like?:

Gladys George

Charlie Ruggles (Hey, Wendy!! Great minds, etc....)

Douglas Fairbanks Sr. and Jr.

Thomas Mitchell

Frank McHugh

Otto Kruger

Frankie Darro

Connie Gilchrist

Eve Arden

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:30 am
by ChiO
I heartily second the nomination of Thomas Mitchell and Otto Kruger.

Is there a list of past honorees? As the risk of repeats:

Dan Duryea

George Macready

Lawrence Tierney

Sterling Hayden

Neville Brand

Gene Evans

John Payne

Joe Sawyer

Emile Meyer

Thomas Browne Henry

Roy Roberts

Whit Bissell


(Oops! Had to add the Whitster!)

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:36 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
Moira, out of those you listed, I would like to have an Eve Arden day, definitely. And I'd add Linda Darnell, but isn't there a problem with securing Fox films?

And Otto Kruger would prove to be such an interesting day with all the different genre of films he participated in during his career.

And I am sure all the others you mentioned would also prove to be entertaining as well. Isn't Connie Gilchrist Jackie's avatar? Norah Muldooooooooon!

And Chio, I'd love a Neville Brand day. That might include Stalag 17 and Five Gates to Hell, a film I haven't seen since the 60s , but it scared the padoodle out of me then....

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:40 am
by moira finnie
Oh, man, you and I would be in heaven if Whit Bissell were the Star of the Day, wouldn't we??? And Lawd knows, the Whitster was certainly in enough movies (over 100 last count).

I love the idea of Dan Duryea too. Boy, does he deserve a day. While we are at it, maybe a Joan Bennett day could be arranged too?

I have really mixed feelings about George McCready--but doesn't everyone? That's why the guy is so memorable.

I can't believe they have never done Sterling Hayden. He sure deserves attention.

One other addition that occurs to me:

Steve Cochran!!

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:48 am
by moira finnie
Sue Sue Applegate wrote:Moira, out of those you listed, I would like to have an Eve Arden day, definitely. And I'd add Linda Darnell, but isn't there a problem with securing Fox films?

And Otto Kruger would prove to be such an interesting day with all the different genre of films he participated in during his career.

And I am sure all the others you mentioned would also prove to be entertaining as well. Isn't Connie Gilchrist Jackie's avatar? Norah Muldooooooooon!

And Chio, I'd love a Neville Brand day. That might include Stalag 17 and Five Gates to Hell, a film I haven't seen since the 60s , but it scared the padoodle out of me then....
Gosh, Linda Darnell would be a tremendous actress to feature, especially since she grew so much as an actress. Since TCM seems to have better luck in recent years unprying Fox films from 20th Century, maybe a Jeanne Crain day could be arranged? LOVE her.

Connie Gilchrist with another of the greats, Thelma Ritter:

Neville Brand scares the padoodle out of me NOW! He's unique and so effective, but if it means that Stalag 17 gets shown again, that would be good (I've had a crush on Harvey Lembeck for decades now).

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 10:56 am
by movieman1957

What movie is that still from? I think it has been one I have been trying to remember and may have it mixed up with something.

How about a Walter Brennan day?

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:07 am
by moira finnie
movieman1957 wrote:Moira:

What movie is that still from? I think it has been one I have been trying to remember and may have it mixed up with something.
Oh, Chris, you're joshing me! It's from A Letter to Three Wives (1949), of course. Thelma and Connie are imitating the highfalutin' way that Connie's daughter (Linda Darnell) said good night as she sashayed out the door with Paul Douglas on a date.
movieman1957 wrote:How about a Walter Brennan day?
Oh, good choice. I always liked the way that Walter could get mean in one movie (as in The Green Promise (1949), when he won't let Natalie Wood join 4H, the beast!) and salty-sweet in another (Meet John Doe)

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:13 am
by ChiO
Steve Cochran -- of course!

And, Moira, seeing your avatar -- Mary Wickes. And Edward Everett Horton.

William Demarest always needs a day.

Has Van Heflin had a day?

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:22 am
by moira finnie
kingrat wrote:Moira, Jeanne Crain's day will be coming up later this month. TCM is apparently able to arrange one Fox star per SUTS month. Count me in for a future Linda Darnell day.
D'uh!! No wonder I had Jeanne on the crainium (get it?)...I must have read the schedule about five times, but the ol' sieve brain is at it again. Must eat more Wheaties. Glad you're on board for Darnell too.
kingrat wrote:Joan Bennett freelanced, so her films are at various studios, but TCM has had access to enough of them for a tribute. She would be one of the top picks for me.
Yet many of her more obscure films have become more available in recent years, so I'm hoping it might happen. I think she would be sensational.
kingrat wrote:My top choice for SUTS: Stanley Baker.
Really interesting choice. He's always good and effective, though I do wish that humor might lighten his darkened brow on occasion. Maybe he was actually a laugh riot in real life?

As long as we are talking about non-American actors, how about Roger Livesey, Peter Finch, Lino Ventura and Curt Jurgens days!?

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:30 am
by JackFavell
Oh man, you guys have really nailed it with your choices! I'm with you on all of them, but I think that these folks already mentioned deserve a day more than anyone:

Eve Arden (this simply MUST happen next year)

Linda Darnell
(no more deserving star who hasn't gotten a day yet)

Gladys George

Charlie Ruggles

Sterling Hayden
(so overlooked, he really needs a day or month)

Thelma Ritter
(another who really deserves a day RIGHT NOW)

Connie Gilchrist
(gosh, I'd love this)

Walter Brennan

John Payne

Frank McHugh
(well y'all know about me and my love for Frankie)


Of the other thousands of actors and actresses, my wishlist looks like this (that is until I realize I left off someone really important):

Eddie Cantor

Joseph Calleia

Brian Donlevy (have they done him already?)

William Bendix (Moira?)

Chester Morris

Gloria Swanson

Louise Brooks (I know, this is simply wishful thinking, she didn't make enough movies to even show for 24 hours, at least films still in existence)

Joseph Schildkraut

Deanna Durbin

Juano Hernandez

Marcel Dalio

Alice Faye

Stepin Fetchit

Simone Signoret

Broderick Crawford

Robert Young

Pedro Armendariz

Fay Bainter

Anna May Wong


I think a Mae Marsh day would be a great thing.

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:33 am
by moira finnie
ChiO wrote:Steve Cochran -- of course!
24 hours with SC might leave us feeling as though we had our hair slicked back and wore black shirts with white ties a lot, but if it means that Tomorrow Is Another Day (1950) gets seen by more people, that would be great. BTW, have they ever done Ruth Roman day? She's really grown on me in the last few years.
ChiO wrote:And, Moira, seeing your avatar -- Mary Wickes. And Edward Everett Horton.

William Demarest always needs a day.

Has Van Heflin had a day?
I think Van Heflin was featured at least one year and I am almost positive that Edward Everett Horton & Wm. Demarest had their 24 hours too, but I may be wrong and, besides, they repeated stuff from other years, why not these guys? Mary Wickes outta have her own day. I'd really like to see some of the obscure movies she made in the '40s. Did you know that they wasted her stuck her in movies with Abbott & Costello for a time? The most obscure project I have recently learned about was her turn as Mary Poppins on live tv in the late '40s and again in the early '50s. I'd kill to see that! She is so much like the P.L. Travers' original character of Mary Poppins it is uncanny (that Disney sweet stuff was not in the same spirit of the book).

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:35 am
by movieman1957

That scene sticks out for me but I just couldn't remember. I'm getting old you see......

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:48 am
by JackFavell
Oh my gosh, William Demarest! Yes, although I guess he had his own day? I don't know how that got past me.

Mary Wickes is the spit of Mary Poppins in the books! even the original illustrations look like her.

Re: Future Nominees for Summer Under the Stars

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 11:57 am
by ChiO
Moira wrote:
Did you know that they...stuck her in movies with Abbott & Costello for a time?
My best guess is I first saw her in WHO DONE IT? or, maybe, I Love Lucy. She is one of those actors that I can't remember first seeing because it's as if she always existed.

My Dream: A Mary Wickes Day on TCM and it has a TCM Premier -- TOO MUCH JOHNSON (Orson Welles 1938), her second movie credit.

And, Moira, why didn't you sneak out a copy for me while it was being restored at George Eastman? Yo! A little help!