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Posted: June 8th, 2007, 11:22 pm
by mrsl
Tonight I was watching NUMB3RS and a commercial came on with David Carradine, dressed as a high lama, and a young guy saying something like "what do you know, Master?" I'm sure the old fogeys like me know the origin of this commercial, but does the connotation make an impression on the younger set? Do you under 35's 'get' the meaning of its' scenario?

Those of you over 50 need not answer, I'm curious whether this ad has any impact on the younger folks.


Posted: June 9th, 2007, 8:08 am
by movieman1957
Hi Anne:

I've seen that commercial too. To answer your question, no I don't think they get it. The closest thing I think the younger people will get out of Carradine is from "Kill Bill." Maybe this is their way of cross generation advertising.

When my son was little she used to sometimes answer his more important questions with "Ah, grasshopper...." He'll be 20 soon and I don't think he's ever seen a "Kung Fu" episode.

Posted: June 9th, 2007, 12:51 pm
by jdb1
I'm sure I've seen reruns of "Kung Fu" somewhere recently -- maybe the Western Channel? I think that when "Kill Bill" first came out a lot of mention was made of Carradine's relationship to "Kung Fu."