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Posted: June 13th, 2007, 4:33 pm
by mrsl
:o :o :o

Calm Down Klony baby:

To quote the Bard of Holgate, Ohio . . . Joe E. Brown:

* * * * * * NOBODY'S PERFECT! * * * * * *


Posted: June 14th, 2007, 8:50 am
by jdb1
So, Klondike, was this really your first Senior Moment? There will be plenty more to come, but don't despair. You're as normal as blueberry pie.

It's a fact gaining more and more scientific credence: we forget things as we mature because there's just so much information stuffed into that file cabinet we call our brains. Some things are bound to get pushed out of the way.

I've seen a little squib in various newspaper and magazine science sections lately about moving your eyes to the side to help you remember. We all do it - you say "Hmm, let's see . . . . " and you look up, or look down for a few seconds until you remember. Now, the scientific thinking is that you are actually firing up the neurons in some part of your brain when you do that, and which direction is the most effective for you to look in depends on your personal brain settings (whether you are right- or left-half dominant).

[One of the really strange things about these memory lapses for me is that sometimes I've struggled to remember a name or a place for hours, and then late that day, or even the next day, when I'm engaged in doing something completely unrelated, the name pops up in my head. I really do think of the mind as a sort of file cabinet, and your mental processes flip through all the files in it until the thing you're seeking turns up - a good night's sleep always helps to get filing done.]

By the way, one thing that always peps up my brain juices is a quick session with the Memory Game on the TCM website. I very often grab a game during my lunch hour for some mental refreshment.