Seven Doors to Death (1944)

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Seven Doors to Death (1944)

Post by Masha »

Seven Doors to Death (1944)

I find this to be a lovely little movie. Much of the bones of it are sheer perfection.

It is very Snoopy-ish in that it begins literally with: 'suddenly, a shot rang out.' It is followed immediately by a pseudo-chase scene with a woman on the running board of an automobile holding what is believed to be a weapon to the head of the driver while urging him to drive quickly away from the scene of the crime. These scenes are done so closely to being over-the-top that they create anticipation of a very enjoyable piece of fluff.

There are many other wonderful moments in the movie.

I find it sad to say that the tone and structure of the movie are all that a viewer can wish but the cinematography, writing of the second half and editing are unforgivingly bad.

Many of the scenes are so dark is it impossible to know what is truly in the rooms. The solution of the crime is pulled out of a hat. One scene which I found very interesting was that of an attention-hungry woman performing a dance at a party. It is quite unusual and she is exceptionally talented but the scene is very close to totally ruined by cutting to people talking and watching her.

The actors range in talent and performance from wonderful to competent but I felt no chemistry or even a sense of true human interaction between the characters.
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