Me Again!

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Joined: January 16th, 2015, 10:22 am

Me Again!

Post by Masha »

I have realized that the post which I made to introduce myself many years ago disappeared a short time later because a glitch erased all of my posts up to that time when I had to reregister.

I do not recall what that post contained and so I am winging it here.

My favorite subgenre is: 1930s comedy murder mysteries. I will at virtually all times select a comedy over a drama no matter the genre. My least favorite genre is Hollywood melondramas with Westerns a close second. I believe that Westerns not being to my taste is because I have no love for horses and I know cows for the evil beasts that they are.

I did not go to film school and I have not the slightest pretension of being an expert in any of the filmmaking crafts. I enjoy what I enjoy and that is the only aspect on which I can report when speaking of a movie. I do not enjoy analyzing themes or motifs in a director's body of work or drawing comparisons or contrasts between an actor's role and what was happening in that actor's private life when they were performing.

My circumstances meant I watched mostly foreign movies in my youth and as a young adult. I was a daily viewer. There were so very many that they tend to blur together. The only ones which I remember distinctly were the best of the best.

Personal: I am past legal retirement age and have honoured it by cutting my workload nearly in half. I am married and often refer to my husband as: 'my little Fuzzy'. This is not because he is little or particularly fuzzy. I selected that nickname for him because he resembles in many ways the description of the title character in the novel: Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper.

I am sorry to say that I often go days or even weeks with no posts. This is at times because I am working. This is at times because I have a chronic wrist condition which can make it uncomfortable to type. I like to post images in: Domestic Feline and Memes threads because I can do that using only the mouse with my good hand.

I will be kind to you by giving you warning that I can be a tiny little bit irreverent at times.

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