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Randy or Jimmy & Dick - Widmark That Is !

Posted: July 5th, 2007, 11:39 pm
by ken123
Tonight, in primetime, ( Thursday - July 5 ) TCM showed three Randolph Scott Westerns while the Western Channel ( Encore ) showed the John Ford Directed TWO RODE TOGETHER, starring Jimmy Stewart, Richard Widmark, and Shirley Jones.I wonder who watched what tonight and why ?. I ALWAYS stick with Ford ! :wink:

Posted: July 6th, 2007, 10:07 am
by mrsl

Although, I generally also stick with Ford, since I saw Two Rode Together just the other day, I stayed with Randy last night. I have only seen 7 Men From Now 3 or 4 times, whereas I've seen Two Rode . . . about 20 so it wasn't that hard of a choice. I'm glad I did though and I'm only sorry I fell asleep during the Boetticher (A Mand would do that) showing. I would have liked to hear his remarks from his own mouth, rather than hearsay. As I said earlier, many people have no idea what sort of cowboy RS was, and it would have been a shame if they had missed the opportunity to see a couple of stories where the hero is carrying out ONLY the message of what's RIGHT instead of what is good for him alone. In Comanche Station, you knew by his face when he found out there was a reward for finding her, that he was not out for the money, he was out to find a woman who was most likely suffering at the hands of an enemy. Also, at the end he simply rides away, with no compunction to receive any monetary gifts.

I see no fault in young people seeing these kinds of values displayed rather than the mercenary awards that are todays' values.

I also said I disliked his role in Decision at Sundown, mainly because in this role, although at first he thought he was correcting a wrong done to him, he went about it in a totally different way than he normally did. A much better vehicle to show Randy's worth was Ride Lonesome, in which he gets the wrongdoer, yet lets someone else take the reward in order that, that someone else can better himself.

Although Two Rode Together is the better movie, acting, scenery, and direction-wise, I prefer the simpler values and beliefs shown by RS in almost all of his movies.
