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Spielberg on Spielberg

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 10:20 am
by mrsl
So, any comments on Steven? Actually I think he is someone I would love to sit down and talk to. I thoroughly enjoyed his theories on the whys and wherefores of what he did in each of his movies. Being a fan of his movies, I was happy to watch. There were a few times when I wanted him to 'say amen' and get on with it, and others where I wish he had lingered longer. I wanted to hear more about my favorites, Jaws, Close Encounters, and Indiana Jones, and I wish he had said something about Band of Brothers, but he seems like a man who wantss YOU to enjoy his work. He wants kudos, but it seems more important that you are entertained.

Also, he seem to have a down to earth way of speaking, never did I feel as if he was trying to be understood, or that he was lecturing, nor did he seem afraid to let his feelings be shown.

What did you think?


Posted: July 10th, 2007, 11:43 am
by Lzcutter
I, too, found Spielberg very enjoyable to listen to. Unlike Lucas who can come across as inarticulate unless talking about Joseph Campbell, Spielberg was engaging, insightful and not above admitting there were times when he screwed up.

I would love to listen to him and Scorsese talk about film together. Marty has the film history chops (and Spielberg does as well, to a lesser degree) but they would give a wonderful master class in discussing directors and the choices made, I bet.