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D 'OH!!

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 4:53 pm
by klondike
Well, Gang, I wasn't sure where to put this . . sure doesn't have much (or indeed anything) to do with TCM . . . but it is movie related, and does involve the World Premiere of what will surely be a Runaway Summer Hit . . . !
And it's happening only 8.5 miles from my house!
8) (cue music:) :roll:

© AP
"The Simpsons Movie"
Vt. Town Named 'Simpsons' Official Home
Jul 10, 2:22 PM EST
The Associated Press
SPRINGFIELD, Vt. -- It's Duff time in Springfield, Vt., which on Tuesday was proclaimed the official hometown of TV's favorite dysfunctional family, the Simpsons.
The southeastern Vermont community beat out 13 other Springfields for the honor, which includes hosting the premiere of "The Simpsons Movie" on July 26th.
20th Century Fox ran an online poll on the USA Today Web site inviting people to vote for their favorite among 14 videos submitted by the competing Springfields.
Springfield, Vt., came late to the competition, getting in after the head of the local Chamber of Commerce saw a news report on it and asked to be involved.
"We're so excited," said Patricia Chaffee, vice president of the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce. "We came in at the last minute, and for us to win, we feel like the underdogs, which makes this so big and so great for us."
The town of 9,300 was the smallest in population among the communities entered. It put together a video showing a local TV personality playing Homer Simpson and chasing a giant, pink doughnut through the town.
Gov. Jim Douglas issued a statement congratulating the town.
"This is an exciting, exhilarating moment for Vermonters," he said. "Perhaps more importantly, it proves there's really nothing a giant doughnut can't do. To all the other Springfields, I say, 'Don't have a cow, man.'"

Get it? "Don't have a cow . . ." in Vermont . .
Gotta admit, though, Springfield, although the 6th largest town in the Green Mountain State, is hardly what most tourists would picture as typical of our New England splendor . . . a sad, rambling burg dotted with closed-down precision machining plants, dingey streets, and the highest per capita welfare/unemployment rate in the southern portion of the state.
But hey, no nuclear power plant!
For that you'd have to travel 41 miles south and visit the infamous Vermont Yankee Reactor Facility, which dominates the sleepy, inbred little hamlet of Vernon, a town we've been trying very hard to donate to Massachusetts for the past 20 years.
On the bright side, maybe I can get Troy McClure's autograph!