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Larry, did you or Nell visit San Simeon?

Posted: July 30th, 2007, 10:08 am
by Rainee
Morning Larry,
I have been meaning to ask you if you or Nell where invited by W. R. Hearst to visit his home? If so I would love to hear about your experiences.

have a great day

Posted: July 30th, 2007, 10:54 am
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Reiko,

Nell was a friend of WR for years and also was a friend of Millicent Hearst and Marion Davies.
She visited San Simeon at times when Millicent was hostess and when Marion was hostess. But, never at the same time.
Contrary to what most believe and what has been written Millicent and Marion were not enemies; not busom buddies either, but not enemies!!!!

I never visited San Simeon when Mr. Hearst was alive. I did talk to him about visiting and going for a swim in the Neptune Pool. This was in late '49 or early '50 after he had bought a huge shipment of bric-a-brac over from Asia.
He said as soon as he'd catalogued everything, he would have me "out to the Ranch". And, about swimming in the Neptune Pool -"good idea, we'll do it!"...
We never did, he died in 1951.

Mr. Hearst wasn't much concerned with children but was always nice to me. He patted my head and shook my hand and had a hearty "How's it going?" for me mostly but that's the only time I ever 'talked' to him for more than a minute.
I liked him and he liked and tolerated me because Marion adored me and, of course, I adored her!!

I did visit San Simeon year later as a tourist and never did swim in that pool. They don't let tourist swimm in the Neptune Pool - Rats!!


Posted: August 2nd, 2007, 9:16 am
by Rainee
I did visit San Simeon year later as a tourist and never did swim in that pool. They don't let tourist swimm in the Neptune Pool - Rats!!


Oh Larry, what a shame you never got to swim in it! They don't let tourists help themselves to art either, unfortuately. Thanks for the personal story. That was great, I figured Nell had to have been there.

When someone comes to visit I always ask if they want to go see it because it's so close. We're practically neighbors! We took my cousins son there a couple of weeks ago and he was less than impressed. He did like the film but all the rooms just seemed to have bored him.

San Francisco Trip...

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 7:04 pm
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Marco,

I wanted to let you know that I cancelled my trip to San Francisco for October 17th to 22nd.

I can't remember where I wrote about coming there and meeting up with you, so I figured San Simeon was as close as anywhere to tell you - I'm not coming......
My hotel reservations were screwed up by the convention people, even after I told them I would make my own arrangements. They cancelled me out of The Fairmont (and it's now fully booked) and put me in The Hilton Garden Inn in Emeryville.
Where the hell is Emeryville???
I would have to go across the Bay Bridge to get back into SF and there's no way I'm going across a bridge now-a-days!!!!!!!

It would have been great to see you; and we could dine at Jardiniere (Fairmont staff recommended it to me). Is that a good restaurant?
Maybe next year......
