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Youngsters that puzzle me

Posted: August 13th, 2007, 3:31 am
by mrsl
As I watched Shane earlier this evening, I remarked to myself again what a wimpy little boy Brandon DeWilde was. At eleven years old, he reminded me of Claude Jarmen, Jr. at 12 in The Yearling. Neither one of them had the character you would expect of a pioneer boy and I couldn't help comparing them to 10 year old Lee Aaker in Hondo and how tough and resilient he was. That little guy tackled Indians for Petes sake. I would never believe it was the same kid in In Harms Way, and just the other night, I was alerted to who Christian Bale is. Another I wouldn't recognize from childhood.

It's funny how kids get type cast. Johnny Whittaker had a twinkle in his eye, so he was always cast as a little imp. Ron Howard, no matter what he played, until he became Fonzie's pal, was always Opie under different names. But poor Hayley Mills was always cast as a troublesome, but sweet and lovable brain child.

I just wish more kids could make the transition from child to adult without getting into the horrors that some encounter as River Phoenix, and others have done. It was a pleasure watching Shirley Temple grow and mature from little tot to cute kid, to lovely teen to young adult. We watch these kids grow up before our eyes on TV, but once they hit 18, they disappear and I for one, wonder where they've gone.

Are there any child actors you enjoyed watching grow up?


Posted: August 13th, 2007, 8:35 am
by MikeBSG
Brandon deWilde had an interesting career on TV as a guest. He was the star of the Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" as a mentally retarded guy who thinks a stage magician's magic is real. This episode was banned from network TV but was shown in syndication and is available on VHS.

He was also the hero in the Thriller episode "Pigeons from Hell," and he opposed Vincent Price in the Night Gallery episode "Class of '99."

Posted: August 13th, 2007, 10:14 am
by pktrekgirl
I really cannot STAND Brandon DeWilde. Seriously - that kid pretty much ruined SHANE for me with all of that incessant whining.

You'd think I'd have loved that movie - Jean Arthur and Van Heflin are favorites of mine, and Alan Ladd is excellent. The cinematography was fabulous and the plot interesting....and a great gunfight ending.

But that KID!!!! AUGH!!!!!!!


Like nails on a chalkboard.


That is all. I feel much better now. :P

Posted: August 13th, 2007, 11:26 am
by feaito
Just like JohnM, my favorite child actor is Dean Stockwell. He was simply suberb in "The Secret Garden", "The Green Years", "Kim" and "The Boy with Green Hair". he was fine too in "Anchors Aweigh!" and "Gentleman's Agreement".

As an adult he gave an impressive performance in "Blue Velvet".

Posted: August 13th, 2007, 12:38 pm
by mrsl

C'mon, how do you really feel?


Dean Stockwell was impressive in most everything he did both as a child and as an adult.

I failed to note that the reason I mentioned Lee Aaker is he was promised the part of Joey but for some reason, that changed and it went to Brandon. That to me, is really a shame, Lee was such a 'boyish' little boy. Maybe they didn't want anyone who could upstage Jean Arthur - didn't they have to work pretty hard to get her to do the part? So having a quieter, gentler boy may have been a factor in her coming out of retirement.


Posted: August 13th, 2007, 12:46 pm
by pktrekgirl
mrsl wrote:pktrekgirl:

C'mon, how do you really feel?
:lol: Hey...we calls 'em as we sees 'em. ;) :lol:

I realize that other folks' mileage may vary, however - that is just my personal opinion.

Which, that and a quarter will buy you....whatever you can get for a quarter these days. :P

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 8:54 am
by vallo
I'll also add Darryl Hickman very impressive in Leave Her to Heaven and Scotty Beckett and although he hated acting Dickie Moore.


Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 2:41 pm
by sandykaypax
I've not seen Shane, but I love Brandon De Wilde's performances in Hud and All the Way Home.

Child actresses that grew up and never went through an awkward stage physically were Elizabeth Taylor, Shirley Temple, and Natalie Wood. They were all lovely children that grew into beautiful young women.

Sandy K

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:20 pm
by mongoII
Brandon DeWilde was a hoot as Joey in "Shane". I got the biggest kick out of the little fella, especially when he was watching the big fight at the finale. He deserved his Oscar nomination.

My favorite child star was and still is Bobby Driscoll, with Freddie Bartholomew close behind.

'Bebop a rebop rhubarb pie'