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If it's not the Doctor than Who could it be? It's Capt. Jack

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 1:37 pm
by cinemalover
Hello all,
I just noticed that my Comcast on-demand is beginning to show a new (to the U.S.) series called Torchwood. This is a spin-off series from the popular (and well-made) new Doctor Who program. It stars John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness (who was in Doctor Who as a supporting character). It is described as a renegade group (Torchwood) that investigates alien crime. I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but was wondering if any of you sci-fi fans had? And if so, is it worth the investment of time?

It appears that there will be thirteen episodes in this first series and there is a second series in the works (possibly done by now).

"BBC America has said the premiere of Torchwood on the channel delivered the biggest audience of any drama premiere in the 58-million-subscriber network's history. The series, shown at 9pm Eastern Time on Saturday nights, attracted 496,000 total viewers, according to network officials. In the target demographic of persons ages 25 to 54, the premier got 297,000 viewers. That's slightly ahead of how action drama Robin Hood performed when it premiered last year, at about the same rating (0.42). Viewer numbers were higher for Torchwood than Robin Hood because BBCAmerica is in more homes now. A second airing, at midnight ET and 9 p.m. PT Saturday, delivered a 0.19 rating (139,000 viewers) in the target demographic, or 241,000 viewers overall."

I'd be curious to hear any feedback. The new Doctor Who series is very well crafted and entertaining. If this is anywhere near that level it would deserve my attention.

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 2:23 pm
by jdb1
I wish my cable service carried BBCAmerica. Since I don't get it, I can't comment on Torchwood, but I can agree that the new Doctor Who is, shall we say, lightyears better than the old, hokey ones.

I particularly enjoyed a recent episode of The Doctor where NYC had become a giant, never-ending highway in perpetual traffic jam, and the occupants of one vehicle wanted to go to Brooklyn where, they heard, the air was better. That caused a few derisive snorts in the room where I was watching.

Posted: September 20th, 2007, 3:25 pm
by pktrekgirl
I'm a Doctor Who fan and so have been watching Torchwood, of course.

We have only had two episodes so far so I'm not ready to make a final judgment...but I have to say that so far, it is nowhere near the quality of Doctor Who.

My British friends in the scifi world confirm this - they have seen the whole first series over there already, and they say it isn't as good as Who.

Nevertheless, I like to judge for myself and so will give it it's first series to get me interested.

We'll see.

Posted: September 21st, 2007, 1:23 pm
by cinemalover
Thanks for your thoughts. Maybe the show will get better once it gets its feet under it. We can only hope.

Posted: September 24th, 2007, 12:34 pm
by pktrekgirl
By the way, Captain Jack was in Friday night's episode of Doctor Who. Was a pretty good episode, too! :) Haven't watched Saturday night's Torchwood though - it's still sitting on the TiVo.

Posted: September 24th, 2007, 1:24 pm
by cinemalover
Thanks again for the info,
As long as we're on the subject, who is your favorite Doctor Who? My local PBS station is currently running the Tom Baker episodes (in between the never ending pledge drives). Tom Baker was the first Doctor Who I ever saw (25 years ago), so he probably remains my favorite from a sentimental perspective.

Posted: September 25th, 2007, 1:19 pm
by cinemalover
Well, I decided to watch the first episode last night to get a little taste of what Torchwood is like. I know that it was a first episode and had to set up the premise but it didn't really grab me. Interesting idea, but a slow start. I'll try one or two more episodes before I pass judgment.

Posted: September 28th, 2007, 6:29 pm
by traceyk
jdb1 wrote:I wish my cable service carried BBCAmerica. Since I don't get it, I can't comment on Torchwood, but I can agree that the new Doctor Who is, shall we say, lightyears better than the old, hokey ones.

I particularly enjoyed a recent episode of The Doctor where NYC had become a giant, never-ending highway in perpetual traffic jam, and the occupants of one vehicle wanted to go to Brooklyn where, they heard, the air was better. That caused a few derisive snorts in the room where I was watching.
If it's a hit, maybe Sci Fi will pick it up. They do that a lot. My hubby watches Sci Fi channel all the time and got me hooked on "Dr Who" and "Stargate" and "Dead Like Me..." and all of those were on other channels first (I think)

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 8:34 am
by jdb1
Speaking of SciFi - virtually all of Sunday was taken up with Canadian-made disaster movies, and each one looked exactly like the last - they all seem to be shot on the same dark, stark, pseudo-science lab sets, all have the same two or three CGI effects with only slight variations, and the actors are interchangeable to my mind, as are the plots and the dialog. It's just a question of which one is the cheesiest. I'd rather look at scifi movies from the 50s once in a while that be force-fed the steady diet of cheese and cracker. Besides, based on the excellent "Eureka," we know that Canada can do a lot better.

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 11:24 am
by pktrekgirl
cinemalover wrote:Thanks again for the info,
As long as we're on the subject, who is your favorite Doctor Who? My local PBS station is currently running the Tom Baker episodes (in between the never ending pledge drives). Tom Baker was the first Doctor Who I ever saw (25 years ago), so he probably remains my favorite from a sentimental perspective.
Sorry. Missed this earlier.

Anyway, I think my favorite Doctor is actually David Tennant. I think he is just adorable in the role - and he was a huge WHO fan before he got the part, so his enthusiasm for the role really shows through. I mean, he is just so delightfully nerdy! I LOVE him!!!

But of the 'classic' episodes...I guess my favorite would be Peter Davison. He was the first Doctor I was introduced to, so I guess he has a sentimental place in my heart.

However, I've not seen all that many of the prior series - in fact, I don't think I've even 'met' all of the Doctors yet!

Posted: October 1st, 2007, 11:29 am
by pktrekgirl
jdb1 wrote:Besides, based on the excellent "Eureka," we know that Canada can do a lot better.
Actually, it's not just EUREKA. :)

Alot of scifi shows are shot in Canada, because it's cheaper. THE X-FILES was shot in BC. And I believe STARGATE-SG1 and STARGATE - ATLANTIS are (were) BC based as well.

I'm not sure about FLASH GORDON, but it is probably (hopefully) not long for this world in any event. However, if I had to guess, it is probably shot in BC too.

Posted: October 12th, 2007, 12:34 pm
by cinemalover
I've now watched the first four episodes of Torchwood, and it is slowly growing on me. The fourth episode was "Cyberwoman", which had a nice historical connection to Doctor Who. The cast is starting to sort itself out and develop their own personalities. I want to like this, I really do. So I hope it continues to progress.

Posted: October 12th, 2007, 12:37 pm
by cinemalover
Peter Davison was very good as the Doctor. I'd be curious to see what you thoughts on Jon Pertwee were as the Doctor just previous to Tom Baker. He was fairly flamboyant, but good fun.