Discussion of the actors, directors and film-makers who 'made it all happen'
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Post by mrsl »

I realize not too many on this site are terribly interested in the Globes, but I wanted to just make a few remarks that some of you may want to respond to.

To begin, twenty years ago, I whined about the Grants, Coopers, Bogarts, etc. (the old guard) were all dying off and we had nobody to replace them, yet in the meantime, these young whipper snappers were all making sneering glares at the elders when they walked away with the awards. Now, however, that younger guard has now become the old guard, and are the ones getting the stand up cheers and ovations.

I was thrilled, of course that one of my favorite ladies (Sandra Bullock), won as Best Actress for her role in The Blind Side, and Jeff Bridges for Crazy Hearts. Julia Roberts, always my favorite, earned a standing ovation and all of those 40, 50 and 60 year olds are now the honored ones. I also cheered when Kevin Bacon won for his role of a Marine who is given the order to accompany a fallen Marine home, and on the way learns what life is really about in this tender, heart wrenching Taking Chance. Juliana Marguilies winning as Best Actress in a weekly drama for The Good Wife was also a pleasant surprise.

I was not happy with Ricky Gervaise as host. He was a mass of contradictions and I didn't find him funny at all. Drew Barrymore was cute when she acknowledged that she could have ended up like many in her family, but by some lucky strike, she met people who set her off finally, on the right path.

Finally, the gowns were so beautiful. Many were reminiscent of the 30's, but almost all were floor length, and actual gowns for women. So nice after years of those cutesy slip dresses done up with tons of sequins or rhinestones.

So if you liked it or hated it, I found a lot of both sides, in fact more to like.


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Post by Lzcutter »


I loved that Jeff Bridges won! And he thanked his wife at the top of his speech and remembered his parents! George Clooney looked marvehlous as always was very gracious about the joke about how he would rather be setting up 25000 phone lines for the Haiti telethon on Friday.

On a side note, Mr Cutter and I saw Up in the Air today (it was an Up kind of weekend for us with seeing Up as well. George was great in the film and if there is any doubt that he is not the Cary Grant of our time is dispelled in this movie. I won't say more for fear of spoiling it for others.

I loved Meryl Streep's speech, Sandra Bullock's win, Drew's speech, though I'm betting she is kicking herself for forgetting Jessica Lange. And I guess she and Justin Long, the Mac guy and a good actor, have kissed and made up.

I was surprised at how little chemistry Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler seemed to have considering they just made a romantic comedy together.

And Sophia Loren looked beautiful.

I'm with you for Kevin Bacon and Taking Chance finally getting some recognition.

I enjoyed that Julianna Marguiles won for The Good Wife because she is just wonderful in the role.

Mad Men winning for Best Drama made me happy because though it seemed to many to be the Don and Betty show this season, it had to be so that Don could find the courage to put into motion the steps that made the season finale such a hit. Plus the last three episodes of the season were some of the best television ever put to tape.

Michael C. Hall's win for Dexter was great, especially in light of his recent diagnosis of cancer. John Lithgow totally deserved his GG for his portrayal of the Trinity Killer this season.

I was expecting Ricky to be funnier.

But, all in all, I was pretty happy with how it all turned out.
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

Ricky was the first non American to host the Golden Globes, I find his humour a bit skin crawling, like he's still the guy from the office which I loved. It's a personal thing, many find him funny but not me.
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Post by Vecchiolarry »


I didn't watch "The Golden Globes" as I see very few movies and practically no TV....

But, I just learned on the news that Meryl Streep won one, so I'm very glad of that - she was stupendous as Julia Child. I do like her of the current crop...

And, I agree that the gowns were all great looking, even though I didn't know who any of them were.
I guess I'm now 'an old poop' and definitely "not with it"... Give me Paulette Goddard and Martha Raye and I'm your man!!!



Post by jdb1 »

I have very little interest in award shows of any kind, but I did surf about the dial yesterday and caught bits and pieces of the red carpet nonsense -- don't these so-called celebrities have anything at all interesting or witty to say? It's embarrassing, and they don't even seem to know it. It's not the bestowing of the awards I object to, it's the stupid, inane, self-congratulatory time-wasters, that go on for hours and hours, that I can't stand. I say, keep it within the industry and off the air, and publish photos of the events the day after. I'm not interested in three or four hours of advertisements and ego-stroking thinly disguised as honorifics.

However, I did enjoy seeing the lovely gowns in the little of the Golden Globes I did watch. I am so happy that actresses have given up the skank look that was in vogue a few years ago, and even happier that they have resumed wearing bras or other appropriate support under their clothing. That over-exposed, flattened-boob look was mind boggingly horrible. Why would any woman, especially a young one, want to look like that on purpose?
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Post by mrsl »

Dear, dear Larry:

Your comment regarding Meryl Streep as one of the 'current crop' gave me a smile or two. She is definitely one of the ones I meant who is now of the 'old guard'. Yes, our Myrna Loys, and Cary Grants are gone, but we do have the Meryl Streeps, and George Clooneys to replace them. Two years ago, I had no idea who those people were that were winning the awards, and many of them are no longer making movies apparently. That was my main complaint - celebrities were called 'stars' for one movie, but they didn't stay with it. Now, however, they seem to be staying around a little longer, and second generations are making names for themselves. Goldie Hawn's daughter, James Brolins son, Neither Jeff nor Beau need to remind people they are Lloyd Bridges sons, and of course Michael Douglas has been around for years. Believe me, these people are standing out and making their own names known. Some of them, Clooney foremost, are making movies that will stay for a long time. Clooney's have not yet caught an audience, but one day, I'm confident, they will. His movies are current, mature, and provacative, ensuring a thoughtful viewing causing people to think.

I actually prefer the Golden Globes show to the Oscars because it is not as polished. Mistakes are made but don't stop the show. Laughter at a flub is more comradely, than derisive. Poor Felicity Huff couldn't have said her name last night to save her soul. So needless to say, I hope the Oscars follow closely to the winners from last night although I have no idea who in the world that Monique is and where she came from.


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Post by Vecchiolarry »

Hi Dear Anne,

Do you want a good laugh:
Tonight I watched "Access Hollywood" to see who all won. At lunch today, everyone around the table was talking about the Golden Globes and I felt left out ( some of my friends eat up all this current idiocy!!)...
So tonight I listened to the names and the big question mark came on over my head (?)...

Now the laugh (guffaw!) -
When Monique came on, I thought she was Oprah Winfrey - bigger but better looking!!
Shows you how far out of the loop I am - - I'm so far out I'm "loop de loop!!".....

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Post by Birdy »

Monique is great - I'm banking on her to play Lola if the Evanovich mysteries ever get made into a movie? Anyone else here read them?
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Post by srowley75 »

I didn't see the Golden Globes this year. Overall, aside from the fun of trying to predict nominees and winners, I really care very little about who wins most of these film awards (none of which retain much credibility these days), and like Judith, I find the yearly avalanche of movie awards, speeches, etc. somewhat nauseating. The motion picture business is without a doubt the most overawarded profession in the world (as well as the most overpaid), especially when you consider the status of filmmakers and actors in the grand scheme of world events. I mean, I cherish films as much as the next movie buff, but I'd much rather call attention to the great achievements of teachers, charity workers, inventors, and plain ordinary people who achieve great things despite tremendous personal pain or handicaps.

That aside, regardless of whether or not I've seen their films, I do sometimes find myself rooting for underdog or outright surreal nominees, and I don't think any performer eligible this year fits that description more than Mo'nique. At this point, I'll still be surprised if she dodges Academy pettiness to snag an award.

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Post by mrsl »

I appreciate all of your comments, but nobody actually said who this Monique is. Where has she been and what has she done to earn any kind of award? It's like that little girl from Chicago a couple of years ago who screamed her way to a supporting Oscar for Dreamgirls. I know she has made movies since then, but nothing of any note that I've heard of. I tried to watch Dreamgirls a couple of times but couldn't take the screaming from any of the women. That's not singing, it's hitting notes which I could do years ago, until smoking put a stop to it.

I agree awards are becoming too many, too often. In the C&W recording awards, they have one award called 'Best New-comer", or something like that, for people like this Monique and that other one from Dreamgirls. It's an award that they have done a good job, and hope to do more in the future, but it doesn't take away from someone who has spent years on the road promoting their songs, and have had 5 or 6 records so far but just not enough of that oommph to win an award.

One last item. I love Sandra Bullock's husband, Jesse James. He's scary with all his tattoos, but after seeing him on a couple of talk shows and last year on Trumps competition, I see what Sandra saw in him. He's a very nice, and sweet guy. But living with him may have prepared her for having to accept her award from that magilla gorilla
also known as Mickey Rourke, that man is frightening to see. The old saying goes, "I wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley", but just as well, "I wouldn't want to run into him at noon on Main Street on a sunny day". ugh.


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Post by Ollie »

MrsL, actually these days, Mickey Rourke looks lihe HE'S been run into by many, many dark alleys!


Post by jdb1 »

Birdy wrote:Monique is great - I'm banking on her to play Lola if the Evanovich mysteries ever get made into a movie? Anyone else here read them?
Yes. Me. What's the holdup -- those Stephanie Plum books would make great films; they are so funny as well as being good mysteries. I thought I read some time ago that there were plans to make one with Sandra Bullock as Stephanie, but maybe she's getting a bit past it for that character (guess she's just on the cusp now). Miss Mo'Nique would be terrific as the outspoken loose canon Lola. Probably Evanovich is holding out for bigger bucks than she is being offered now.
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Post by Erika1712 »

I didn't get to see Meryl beating Meryl, but I did pull it up on Youtube and I thought her speech was funny and then ended with a gentle reminder of terrible things going on elsewhere. Things that are truly important. Nicely put and nothing that was in-your-face or talking down (to the little people).

And it finally dawned on me a couple years ago that I am getting older when someone looked terribly shocked when I didn't know the Jonas Brothers. I guess I need to reserve my seat in the not-so-hip section....Later to be the hip replacement section. Ha!
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Post by mrsl »

I guess I'll try again.

Is Monique a TV actress?

Is Monique a Broadway actress?

Is Monique a movie actress?

Is Monique a singer?

Is Monique a rapper, which of course is different from being a singer?

Is Monique a comedian?

Is Monique a talk show host?

What did Monique do in the week before she walked up on stage to accept the Golden Globe award? Did she suddenly appear out of nowhere? I have never heard of her and although I don't know a lot of actors names on sight, I do usually recall hearing names previously, yet I have never heard of a Monique. Granted, I'm still drawing a blank on that girl from Dreamgirls, but she was another total nobody who suddenly won an award, and she has done nothing since to improve my memory of her. Is this Monique another like her?


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Post by Erika1712 »

I think Monique was on a comedy series that aired on WB. I may be totally wrong. Then also, I thought she hosted some reality show like...Dance the Fat Off, or I'm a Fat Celebrity Get Me Outta Here. The reality shows start blurring together. They should be used as methods of torture for all terrorists.
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