What characters would you have liked to have seen together

Films, TV shows, and books of the 'modern' era
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What characters would you have liked to have seen together

Post by stuart.uk »

It's been done before, William Conrad's Frank Cannon did a couple of Barnaby Jones' with Buddy Ebsen. Angela Lansbury also appeared as Jessica Fletcher in a Magnum special. Doug McLure as Trampas left the Virginian at Shiloh and hepled out Neville Brand and the cast of Laredo in a tv movie. George Lazeby too reprised James Bond in cameo in The Return Of The Man From UNCLE, so what others would you like to see.

After Roger Moore had finished the Bond movie A View To A Kill, I thought it would have been good if he'd reprised his role of Simon Templar as an older, but still fit Saint. I thought too an ideal co-star would be Angela Lansbury as the widowed Jessica, as trouble follows both of them around. That would be set in the 80s, filmed in either the U.S or the U.K, but possibly if Angela had played a young Jessica in the 60s, she could have done a Saint special, but Jessica at that time was happily married to Frank, whereas in an 80s version we could have a bit of a romance amongst the action.

A young Roger Moore as Ivanhoe getting together with Richard Green's 'Robin Hood' Robin featured in the Ivanhoe book and films, though to be fair Roger's version was just Robin Hood in armour.

Different eras, but at the end of Dodge City Errol, Olivia and their sidekicks went of to tame Virginia City, maybe the Cartwright's could help.
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Joined: October 14th, 2007, 5:58 pm


Post by melwalton »

Stu's post brought another thought, stars who never wiorked together but should have, ie Fred Astaire / Jessie Matthews. WOW, what a movie that would've been. I'd've liked to see Eddie Anderson teamed with Manton Moreland or Willie Best. .... mel
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