La-la-la-la Lainie!

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La-la-la-la Lainie!

Post by klondike »

OK, cuttin' right to the chase here, though I'm loathe to admit it, I try very, very hard, every single day, to keep my wife happy & amused & healthy & surprised & just in general satisfied with her life . . partly because she's considerably smarter than myself, drop dead gorgeous, and the mother of my children . . and partly because, being Mohawk, she probably carries that dormant genetic capacity for torture & cannibalism . .
Anyway, among the mosaic of tactical diplomacy that necessitates, is my need to occasionally supress my cynical tongue and agree to rent certain movies that I instinctively believe will irritate me, bore me to tears and/or elicit 100 minutes of mental gag reflex.
And once in a blue moon, I'm proven wrong.
Bringing us to: You Don't Mess with the Zohan . . and let me hasten to warn everybody, irrefutably, that I am not recommending this movie!
Is it a bad movie, then? No, I wouldn't exactly say that; I did end up finding it about 125% funnier than I thought it would be, and there is a certain, streaming current of quasi-SNL, transethnic, panurban cleverness to it all, kinda like if John Cleese had collaborated with the Festrunk brothers to script a romantic comedy over one drunken weekend . . but hey, it's the brainchild of the funniest teenager ever to escape Manchester, NH: Adam Sandler, right? The catch being that even if you are a diehard Sandlerite, you still gotta confess that his comedy track record is at best right around 50/50; I myself have a midway appreciation for Adam S, but although I roared in delight at Big Daddy, and Anger Management, the off-center 50 First Dates was abysmal, and Chuck & Larry was aggressively crappy . . and in respect for one G. Cooper, we will say nil about the Mr. Deeds remake!
As for Zohan, I guess one needs to ask oneself how often you can laugh at shticks like goofy accents, male endowment, geriatric sex, bitchy hairstylists, hummus addiction and butt-muscle stunts . . . 'cause you'll be seeing a lot of all that stuff here.
[Though I gotta admit, playing hacky-sack with cats {and not in the nice way, either} never fails to make me laugh! :lol: :lol: ]
But if this is a review, why isn't it over in Fernando's "What Films Have You . ." thread??
'Cause the real reason for this post is Zohan's sneaky secret weapon: the indisputably unique Lainie Kazan!
Big role? Naw, little better than middle-act window dressing. Strong performance? Nope, she breezed through it like she was improvv'ing at a country club benefit.
But, Land o' Goshen, it's Lainie Kazan, warm, sparkling, witty, bubbly, just breathing with humor & panache (as ever), and stars & garters, that woman does not look like she just turned 68 !! She's looking better now than she did 9 years ago in My Big Fat Greek Wedding . . or 19 years ago in Harry & the Hendersons . . or even 23 years ago in Lust in the Dust! (And if that gratuitous "derriere shot" wasn't a body double, this gal's been hitting the gym and the spa lately!)
Lainie's always been a treat, big screen or small (and has always been on my List), but as we cruise deeper into the 21st Century, I really think she needs to be working more often, and in more places; I mean, we've just recently lost sweet Suzanne, Babs Streisand's looking like 4 miles of rough road, Sally Kellerman's under the radar, doing TV voice-overs, Bett Midler seems to be subsidizing every cosmetic clinic in L.A., Pam Grier's contracted body & soul to Showtime's L Word, Rita Moreno is so tiny anymore, her health can't be good, and I guess sweet ol' Cloris is just gonna go on tele-dancing 'til she blows a hip or gets a camera caught in her cleavage . . .
See, there just don't seem to be many multi-media metro mamas left!
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Last edited by klondike on October 12th, 2008, 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dewey1960 »

Klondike, I love Lainie Kazan almost as much as I love life itself.
Here she is with Dino...check her out!!!!
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Post by knitwit45 »

hey, Klonnie, have you seen the divine Lainie in "The Cemetery Club"? Ellen Burstyn (never more beautiful), Olympia Dukakis, Diane Ladd and Lainie Kazan. A funny/sad movie about getting older, and moving on after losing one's life partner. Lainie is the much married one of the four, and though quite hefty in this one, still gorgeous.!
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moira finnie
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Post by moira finnie »

All hail the force of nature who is Lainie Kazan. My favorite Kazan performance is in My Favorite Year when she appears as the frisky Jewish mother married to the Filipino boxer who, during the course of a long dinner at her apartment, leans over to Peter O'Toole at the dinner table and says, "So tell me Swannie--are you happy?"

Here's Lainie laying on the sex appeal for Aqua Velva, (isn't that the blue liquid that old time barbers used to put combs in between haircuts?). Here's another link to her singing "When I Look in Your Eyes" (Eat your heart out Barbra Streisand). I thinks she's one of the few women who could make a caftan look good.
Last edited by moira finnie on October 13th, 2008, 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mongoII »

I too love the presence of Lainie Kazan in just about anything, especially "Beaches", "My Favorite Year", "Lust in the Dust", and "Love Is All There Is".
Klondike your description of her is right on the money.
Miss Kazan is coming out in a movie titled "The Godmother" which should be a hoot.
Joseph Goodheart

Post by klondike »

moirafinnie wrote:
Here's Lainie laying on the sex appeal for Aqua Velva, (isn't that the blue liquid that old time barbers used to put combs in between haircuts?) and singing "When I Look in Your Eyes" (Eat your heart out Barbra Streisand).
Tarnation, Moira, looks like those fickle faygelas over at YouTube pulled the plug on your embeds . . !! :x :x
But, thanks to your archival work over there, and your heads-up to us here, we sure know where to go to find those performances, now, don't we? :idea: :wink: :idea:

P.S: Nope, Aqua Velva was a very popular after-shave in the 60's; that blue stuff at the barbershop was an acetone-based antiseptic that stripped away oils, cosmetic compounds and/or tiny livestock (as Jamie Farr used to quip).
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moira finnie
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Post by moira finnie »

Huh, I wonder why that happened? I corrected it by embedding a link into the descriptions above instead, Klon. Hope that helps. Now, can you help to solve the blue liquid mystery? Was it Aqua Velva or Barbisol or what?
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The Skeins
TCM Movie Morlocks

Post by klondike »

Pardon me while I quote myself ('cause your lightning fingers are outpacing my re-edits today!):
klondike wrote: Nope, Aqua Velva was a very popular after-shave in the 60's; that blue stuff at the barbershop was an acetone-based antiseptic that stripped away oils, cosmetic compounds and/or tiny livestock (as Jamie Farr used to quip).
Same deal with Barbisol, which offered both after-shave and hair tonic (as evidenced by lyrics from the title tune in Guys & Dolls), except originally that brand (at least in New England) was only marketed to barbers, a limitation they were quick to correct in the 80's with an entire national retail line of men's grooming aids, including shaving cream.
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