A Critically Important Notice to All Dog Owners!!

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A Critically Important Notice to All Dog Owners!!

Post by klondike »

It has come to my attention just today that another food product has been proven to be dangerous/toxic/lethal to dogs:

Along with such innocuous foods as grapes, raisins & chocolate (others often suspected, but those being certain) we now must add any edibles including XYLITOL {pronounced zyle-uh-tawl}, an artificial sweetener based on tree resins, which has long been found in health-food products & organic healthcare compounds, and has recently become popular in gums, breath fresheners & certain candies. Xylitol is perfectly safe for humans, even arguably beneficial for diabetics like myself, but sadly, is very dangerous for dogs!
Evidently, xylitol threatens a dog's safety by triggering an accelerated surge of insulin due to the intensity of its fructose-like sucarides; if the reaction is severe enough, depending on the dog's weight & the amount of xylitol ingested, the dog can become rapidly afflicted with seizures, convulsions, vascular failure, stroke-induced coma and/or cardiac arrest.
So please, print this out, post it somewhere in your kitchen, and consider talking to your vet about it; he/she might not yet have heard the news!
And read those labels!!!
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Post by movieman1957 »

Also, there has been some concern in this peanut butter scare about dog treats so be careful.

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana."

Post by klondike »

Good point, Chris!
I should have mentioned that, also.
Salminella is seldom as dangerous to dogs as it is to humans, but if you love your companions, you don't want to see them violently ill, either!
I understand it's particularly bad for small dogs!
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moira finnie
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Post by moira finnie »

Re: Dog Food and the Salmonella outbreak

Iams dog food was tainted unfairly by an image of their dog food pictured in an ABC news report about the peanut butter scare earlier this week. As Charlie Gibson apologized last night on the news, he mentioned that only those dog treats with peanut butter are among the pet foods with any possible salmonella connection. None of Iams regular dog food has been found to contain any salmonella. I haven't heard about any other dog foods affected by this outbreak.

The poor peanut farmers can now commiserate with the spinach growers and the tomato farmers. It sounds as though one more agri-business has been hurt by a processing plant asleep at the switch. Buy local whenever possible, huh?
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Post by klondike »

moirafinnie wrote:Buy local whenever possible, huh?
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Post by Hollis »

Dear concerned dog owners...

I did a little Googling on this subject and found that in October, 2006, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) issued a press release which fully detailed the dangers of Xylitol when ingested by dogs. All members would have received the release. I've always been lucky in that I've been able to find great vets to treat my pets. Currently I use two young ladies who are so much more than Doctors of Veterinary Medicine, they're also tremendous pet lovers. They founded and maintain a no kill shelter here in Fairhope called "The Haven." That doesn't count the menagerie of misfits (lovably used) that occupy their office (and all perfectly behaved!) And when was the last time that your vet made a pre-office hours house call and refused to charge you for it? So I'm certain that they stay informed but maybe that's not (sadly) always the case. It can't hurt to ask, can it?

So that they get the credit they deserve, they are Drs Teresa Marshall, DVM and Ann Rankin, DVM of The Downtown Animal Clinic

As always, Hollis
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Post by SSO Admins »

moirafinnie wrote: Iams dog food was tainted unfairly by an image of their dog food pictured in an ABC news report about the peanut butter scare earlier this week.
I have a hard time feeling sorry for them given their record of animal cruelty.
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Post by moira finnie »

I'm not about to shed any tears over any large animal feed companies either, but I do think that in this case, the food safety of their entire line of dog food was inadvertently tainted. PetSmart Grreat Choice Dog Biscuit has been recalled as of this weekend due to the salmonella outbreak.

Here's access to two FDA & American Peanut Council lists of recalled products as well as products not recalled:

Peanut Butter Product Recall Items

Peanut Products Unaffected by the Recall
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Post by klondike »

If PETA's investigatory claims about Iams Pet Foods, Inc. are even 50% factual & true, than the company should be boycotted coast to coast, and its management fined & criminally charged to the fullest extent of the law, local, state & federal.
And until I hear to the contrary, I shall certainly not purchase nor recommend any Iams or Eukanuba products.
My only sticking point here, provisionally, is how many times I personally have discovered PETA reports to involve grossly exaggerated, or entirely fabricated, facts & figures, and/or misidentified statements & photographs, which have been promoted for shock value by its more radical rank & file.
Let's remember, besides eliminating animal cruelty & abuse, which are absolutely & undeniably noble causes near & dear to my heart, groups such as PETA, and PAWS, have other goals & agendas, like the conversion of North Americans to an all-vegan diet, the banning of any & all animal-source textiles, outlawing all forms of hunting world-wide, federal supervision of purebred dog kennels, adopting severe regulatory laws on commercial & sport fishing and the disbandment of the American & Canadian Kennel Clubs.
I appreciate the information about the purported abuses by Iams, and I will be checking those reports out through other sources; in the meantime, I'll be avoiding buying any of their products, but I'll also avoid reaching for the pitchfork & torches until I'm sure I know the truth!
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Post by moira finnie »

I think that there's tons of room for reform in the animal feed industries throughout society, but do my eyes deceive me or have you perhaps missed PETA's recent request that we start calling fish "sea kittens"? See here for details.

Maybe if Captain Ahab had murmured "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty..." from the deck of the Pequod, Moby would have been more responsive.

Btw, the inequities of the fish industry pale in comparison to most any that may be told about cruelty to animals. I lived in a fishing village for 15 years. It's a terrible biz for the fish and the oceans and a brutal, dying one for the humans. But fish are still not cute. Magnificent, mysterious, and delicious, but not cute and kittenish.

Oh, on the upside in the world of animals, Temple Grandin has written another challenging book about our relationship to the animal world, called Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals. It was published this week and if interested, one can read more here. Can't wait to read it.
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Post by Birdy »

Picture it dessimating a plant and there you have Meg, our newest cat.
(Who conspires with her littermate, Elizabeth Taylor. Also have destroyed a lamp and one small antique dish.)

Thanks for the dog warnings, everyone.
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Post by Hollis »

Thanks Birdy,

Sue Sue also sent a PM expressing her appreciation of it. I saw it and fell in love with it. It can be any color you choose with a little editing.

As always,


p.s. Where exactly along the Wabash do you live? Just curious. It is the Pacific Northwest isn't it?
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Post by Birdy »

I live in Illinois, but can see Indiana from my house. The Wabash River forms part of the border between the two states. It is made famous in the song "Back Home Again In Indiana' which Jim Neighbors (Gomer) sings at the Indy 500 every year.

It is 10 degrees here today but I guess we can't complain compared to Chicago or downstate where they're all iced over.
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Post by ChiO »

And don't forget the Indiana State Song, On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away:

Oh, the moonlight's fair tonight along the Wabash,
From the fields there comes the breath of newmown hay.
Through the sycamores the candle lights are gleaming,
On the banks of the Wabash, far away.

And Dear Brother Hollis -- Have you thanked Chicago yet for Donovan McNabb? If you're through with him, we'll take him.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled dog food.
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Post by Hollis »

No, ChiO, we're not quite through with him yet - another year, another trip deep into the playoffs (that's where Da Bears wind up most years isn't it?) All I know from the Wabash is the song "The Wabash Cannonball," a staple of Bluegrass music. I thought it was either in the Pacific Northwest or somewhere in the rolling hills of West (by God) Virginia! Sorry! We're all entitled to our mistakes and pecadillos in life, now aren't we?

As always,

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