Famous People in "the Loop" Borders

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Famous People in "the Loop" Borders

Post by bryce »

I wasn't going to make a post about this but now that it's happened twice in a row I feel the need to mention it.

A few weeks ago a distinguished older gentleman comes in very early (before 10am) and buys a magazine. I am busy with another customer so I cannot help him, but while he is checking out with a co-worker I notice his voice and diction are very familiar and, by the way, wholly unique. On the other hand, he's dressed in a pair of trousers with a windbreaker and his hair isn't brilcreemed, so...

"You sound exactly like Robert Osborne."
"Oh, really? Do I?" with a faint smile.
"I'd recognize that voice anywhere."
He walks over and extends his hand, "What's your name?"
I shake his hand, "My name's Bryce. Nice to meet you."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Bryce, because I am."
I smile, "Well, I didn't want to say you looked like him since you're not wearing the suit-I couldn't be sure! But I'd recognize your voice anywhere."
He smiles, waves, and walks out flanked by two suits.

Then, two days ago, I receive a phonecall from a gentleman named "Rick" looking for our best books on noir. We didn't have anything special, but the two we stocked seemed to have a decent selection. He came in yesterday to pick them up.

"You have some books on hold for me."
"Oh, yeah, what's your name?"
"Rick. Rick Rubin."
"Ah, I spoke to you yesterday about the noir books!" Then pause as I register his name and put it to his face. Yup, sure enough. I hand him the books, "What do you think of Out of the Past? What's your favorite noir?"
"Out of the Past is really good, though I'm just starting out into noir. What're your favorites?"
"Touch of Evil and Hard-Boiled."
"Great, I'll check those out! Thanks a lot."
"See ya later."

I wonder who I'll meet when I start working at the liquor store.
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